How to Winterize Flower Beds

A Checklist for Fall You’ve been working hard ever since the snow melted. You spent the spring planting and the summer tending. All so you could enjoy the beauty and interest of vibrant flower beds in the outdoor areas around your home. Now winter is approaching. What can you do to make sure all of […]

Fall Color

Fall pumpkins surrounded by pruned bushes by Birch's Lawn Care

Perennials for Fall Color Spring is the time of year when we get to enjoy watching everything go green as it comes back to life. We plan our gardens and landscaping to have summers full of vibrant colors. Do you have a plan for managing how your outdoor areas will look as they transition through […]

10 Tips To A Healthy Lawn During The Summer Months

Birch's Lawn Care, Kennewick Summer Lawn Tips

MOWING HEIGHT Now that the hot summer temps are hitting us here in Kennewick and the rest of the Tri-Cities.  It’s time to raise the mower height that you are cutting your lawn. Taller grass blades help protect the crown of the grass plant from the hot sun and also keeps the soil moist longer. […]

Why and How to Aerate your Lawn the right way

Photo of an aerated lawn.

Why you should Aerate your lawn and how to do it right. In order to achieve and maintain a beautiful lawn, you should know some basic lawn care practices such as proper mowing, fertilizing and watering techniques.  It is also important to ensure that nutrients can reach the soil beneath your grass. Aeration can be an extremely vital […]

Save your Lawn From Snow Mold

aerated lawn care birch's landscaping kennewick richland pasco

  Birch’s Lawn Care Serving Kennewick, Pasco, Richland and West Richland Both pink and gray snow molds occur under a blanket of snow. And since Kennewick and the rest of the Tri cities have the potential for winters with a lot of snow, your lawn is at risk for snow molds. A Primer on Snow […]

5 Winter Tips for your lawn

Winter is a great time to stay bundled up indoors. But don’t forget about your yard! Even if you’re not mowing the lawn in winter, attentiveness will set you up for a successful spring. Clean up the lawn as early in the season as possible Taking care of the lawn in winter is important! In […]

The Peak of Summer Heat is Here — Can your lawn handle it.

We suggest the following tips and tricks in order to maintain a healthy, lawn during the intense heat of the summer here in Kennewick, Pasco and Richland WA.   Do not Cut your lawn Too Short One common mistake made by both homeowners and commercial landscape maintenance companies in the Tri-cities WA area is cutting […]

Benefits of Sprinkler System Winterizing / Sprinkler Blowouts

Benefits of Sprinkler Winterization / Sprinkler Blowouts Leave Your Sprinkler Winterization/ Blowout to the Professionals     Just because the summer is winding down and the weather is getting cooler doesn’t mean it’s time to stop caring for your lawn. Now is the perfect time to start getting your irrigation system ready for the winter […]

Now is the Time to Aerate your Lawn !!!!!!

Why Should I Aerate ??   Aerating your lawn after the heavy winter snows have melted away will break up soil compaction and allow oxygen and water to make its way down to the root zone. This is a key treatment to stimulate growth of those grass roots. Aeration also encourages the penetration of water, […]